sidereal soul studies
vibrational astrology classes
student reviews
“just wanted to drop you a quick line of thanks and let you know how much i have been enjoying being a student of yours. you really are such an amazing teacher as well as a phenomenal astrologer and person. i have taken so so many classes and you exhibit a level of respect for your students which is rare and outstanding. truly you are one of the most brilliant and humble simultaneously geniuses i have ever had the pleasure to meet, and to study with you is beyond pleasure. so please always let me know when you teach and thank you for everything; you are the best bar none period end of story. so grateful to have the chance to study with you.”
“Clarissa you are such a gift! Thank you so much for your amazing teaching!
I really really am so grateful to you for being the best teacher of the year I’ve had, and I have been enrolled in multiple classes with amazing competition all. I know it’s repetitive and I keep sending thank you notes but there are so many I have written and do not send, so know that! I really think you are the most brilliant of all the astrologers I’ve ever had the pleasure of both being read by and taught by, it could be our synastry, it could be just amazing you, it could be a combo, either way I love you sooooo much. I would always jump at the chance to study with you, talk with you, hang out, research, what ev. Ok so thank you so much you really have made such a positive impact on my life this year I can’t begin to really explain how much but it’s so real so thank you thank you thank you”
“OMG, I cannot tell you how much I love your classes! It takes me hours to listen to the recording, I keep rewinding (archaic term) to make sure I see the connections, look up the brief definitions you gave us earlier and they are all so spot on! Its also so helpful to hear others’ interpretations.”
“Once again, I thank you for an excellent class. After both of the first 2 classes, I felt able to go to my charts and start the analysis - LOVE IT!!!! Thanks again for all the obvious work and thought you've put into this class!”
“I haven't been able to put down the astrology since the first class and I can't wait to get the video of the next one. Thanks for everything! I SO appreciate the organization, clarity, and enthusiasm of your teaching style.”
“OMG, I cannot tell you how much I love your classes! It takes me hours to listen to the recording, I keep rewinding (archaic term) to make sure I see the connections, look up the brief definitions you gave us earlier and they are all so spot on! Its also so helpful to hear others’ interpretations.”
“I’ve been LOVING your class! You are so well organized, are a natural teacher, and your visual presentation is of the highest quality - a modern look and creative visuals emphasizing your unique sense of style. So cool!”
“Clarissa, you are a superstar! Thank you so much for your encouragement and spot on insights. You are a wealth of wisdom, and your additional analysis rings true like a bell! I look forward to your class and your continued teachings.”
“I love your class. I feel myself light up every time I start to talk about it to someone. I and I have sooooo much on my plate right now I am finding it hard to put the time into it that I want to. Yet, here I am :)”
“Thank you Clarissa. It was lovely meeting you. I am learning a lot about me from this class. It is pretty deep. I look forward to the next pieces you are bringing out for us. You are amazing”
“I just love your enthusiasm, Clarissa. Thank you so much for teaching this class!! I am sitting here catching up on my homework from before – adding more charts and looking at midpoints. I do enjoy this work. Thank you sooo much for your insights here. I feel it as you speak it. This is very helpful to me.”
“Clarissa your teaching technique or approach and teaching materials are excellent! Putting the importance of human involvement in extracting the information from person’s/client’s “personal score” is inspiring. I am in awe of the way you can articulate the meanings of energy circuits in one vibe and then shift it to another vib. Anyway thank you. I feel fortunate to be a student in the class.
Although I must say your energy and dedication to VA was evident when you presented at the first VA conf.”
“Also – I like the approach you are taking by focusing on a few core vibes and simple decode/reading. The scope of VA is huge so getting grounded on the basics first will make expanding easier.”
“I love all the preparation and the work you’ve done to get things organized. Everything you have done demonstrates a real commitment to us learning. I’m not trying to flatter you, I’m trying to give you sincere feedback, you have put an enormous amount of preparation into all the things that you’ve shared with us and I want you to know that we appreciate this and it’s very obvious that you want us to get this stuff. You’re like David [Cochrane], you’re shining the light into the darkness for the rest of us, you are like the pioneer and it is a lot of work to drag this many people along behind you.”
“I wanted to take a quick minute to say that the information I have received through your classes feels like real life hands on explanations. Not so test book stiff. I find it very helpful and am grateful to get it. You demonstrate experience with the planets and harmonics that feels accurate to me. Your ‘RAD’ as you say.”
“I was so blown away by your session today - that was A LOT of chart and info and downloads to work through and you are f**king magnificent. Thank you for your work and generous sharing today.”
synchronicity university class: find your tribe with the lunar south node
“Thanks for your class! Interesting and fascinating. Another infinite layer of astrology. I know about the nodes but didn’t know about harmonics. Felt advanced for me, and I learned new things and will eventually integrate.”
“Loved it. I have been working on frequency since reading Lynne McTaggart's book: The Field. So I love your work in harmonics. Not what I expected at all when I signed up. I will certainly look forward to exploring your website.”
“I watched your presentation for norwac and holy moly, I was blown away! It was so fascinating and left me wanting more!!! Seriously though, congratulations on an amazing presentation!”
“i loved your lecture in the VA conference !!
you are so brilliant, kind and talented !
i admire you so much !!
i truly respect you!! and i am very excited about what you have to teach.
i feel that you are such a dynamic, brilliant, positive, kindhearted, and fun teacher, which will help me to learn VA really well!”
“Hi Clarissa, congratulations on your presentations and research! They were fantastic and so informative. Your love and enthusiasm for VA shows brightly and excites those you touch. I’m eager to dig into your findings, and I look forward to your upcoming classes.”